Thursday, November 19, 2009

Of nightlights and getting excited

I follow a lot of people on Twitter. One of them is Wil Wheaton- I have a soft spot for the dude not only because he seems to complete the trifecta of being smart, funny, and talented, but mainly because my greatest fear is being disliked. This guy played a character that was deeply disliked by the majority of a very significant fandom and has come out of it a cheekily grinning winner, without any condition of regret- he's rightfully proud of his career and he's not a dick about it.

Yesterday as I was playing with sharp things, a link to Wil's latest blog entry came up on my twitter feed. You should go over there and read it for yourself but the title sums it up well:"Get excited and make things" .

And I thought, YES. Very good post, and it gave me heart. Because that's what I've been doing since I got back from California this September- getting excited and making things. I've not only been racing for a deadline with illustrations for a reprint of Betlejem, but also playing at another version of the gift I gave my parents for their anniversary last year. It was a little moonlit forest enclosed in an antique cabinet, with a battery-powered lamp stuck in the back for lack of electrical experience- something I have to dismantle now and rewire with an on-off switch so they can enjoy it better. In the meantime I made another attempt; to call it a nightlight probably describes it best:

288/365:Nightlight for young captains

My mother put it in the kitchen and switches it on from time to time. The inside is papercraft, the moon is lit up by an LED powered by two AA batteries. Overall not a bad job, though a lot of it needs improvement. I used a chisel to cut a hole for the batteries in the frame- the same chisel which I drove into my hand not once, not twice, but six times in the last three days.

Fearing for my life and limbs, I bought a Dremel tool yesterday along with a router attachment. It has already made it to the Hall of Fame of Best Purchases I Ever Made, right next to my bicycle, my Macbook and my camera. It is very helpful in creating what the nightlight project has evolved into, and what you can see a glimpse of in the photo below:

323/365: Getting Excited and Making Things

So I am getting excited and making things. As Wil calls for in his blog, I'm doing it right now, because right now is the best time to do it. I don't know if I'll ever manage to make these diorama nightlights nice enough to sell, or if anyone will ever want to buy them, or if this hobby can be in any way affordable, but I am having tremendous fun and will have good gifts for Christmas this year.

Pass it on, people: get excited and make things. Even if you lose a little blood and sanity in the process. ;)


  1. Wait, you stabbed yourself six times? Eeesh. I've been making a wallpaper all afternoon. It took me all afternoon because I gravely underestimated just how many names I would need, and then I went retentive on how to choose the next batch of names. And the batch after that. Tomorrow I think I'll just stick to masking player pictures. Far less hassle.

  2. So who's more of a nut? I vote for you.

    I stabbed myself six times...was almost seven, but thankfully that time the chisel slipped off my shirt. Otherwise I'd have a hole in my gut.

  3. OMG i saw your work of art and it's beautiful! I had to leave a comment and tell you! As for dremels, can't live without mine! :P

  4. Thank you!!! The ones I'm working on now will be even better >:) :D

  5. No hurting self.

    Making things is good. Once my back stops attempting to kill me through my spine I think I will do some of that.



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